Why not consider improving your homes energy efficiency

Energy performance for most people only is taken seriously when buying or selling a home. When it comes to selling your house, it will be evaluated for its energy efficiency and given a rating on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This report generally is at cost to the homeowner and is not that expensive to set up, certainly under £100. Many aspiring homeowners are likely to want a first time buyer mortgages to fund the purchase and many first time buyers will seek out the advice and expertise of a qualified mortgage brokers, these industry professionals may have used a mortgage payment calculator to work out your borrowing potential. They also could be homeowners that require a bad credit mortgagebecause of a bad credit score. If this is the case, then undoubtedly will need the help of an independent mortgage broker.

Understanding the energy performance rating is important when deciding to buy

Having your homes energy performance rating gives potential buyers and aspiring homeowners an indication of whether the house is built to modern day standards, which ultimately suggests how much the house will cost to heat and run-in comparison to other houses. This is important to know as a potential purchaser because the lower the cost of running your household, the more money you have to spend on luxury items like new cars, holidays or home improvements. You may also be saving up for a wedding and ensuring that you have enough disposable cash to do this will make for a happier existence.

Buyers really do care if your home is energy efficient or not. Don’t be fooled into thinking they don’t

Potential first time buyers will take the energy performance certificate information into account when buying a home and may use it to weigh up their decision on value. Mortgage brokers would advise clients against purchasing a property if the energy performance score was too high. So having as low a score as possible will help first time buyers in making their decisions to buy and take on a mortgage loan. There are several alterations you could make to your property to help improve the rating, things like: adding insulation, switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, and as mentioned previously, upgrading your old boiler and replacing it with a more efficient model. Having a better energy performance certificate generally means that first time buyers will put a higher offer in on your home.

Things to consider that may increase the value of your home without spending a fortune: