Many of the businesses we spoke to in regards to compiling this list of ways to increase the value of your home loan without spending a fortune, all agreed that reinstalling period features within the home, was an absolute must. A number of the businesses even went onto say that it would be shameful not to consider putting back what was once there. We spoke to a team of independent mortgage brokers who used specific a mortgage payment calculator to establish their clients borrowing capcity, about adding value to the home without spending a fortune, they advised by the reintroduction of certain period features to the home is a simple and effective way to add value to the home. Many new home owners who may have needed to take on a first time buyer mortgage to purchase the home may have been guilty in the past to rip out old, shabby looking period features and replace them with sleek designs copied from sites like Instagram and Pinterest.

It was considered cool back in the day to dress your home with many design disasters

When mum and dad bought their first home maybe back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, period features were a huge turnoff to new homeowners, many of the things we consider cool nowadays were just ripped straight from the house and usually thrown into a skip. Many of the homeowners from this generation bought their homes with a much smaller mortgage than you would have needed in today’s market. Many of the borrowers were also very credit worthy and a simple talk or chat with the bank manager would usually do the trick in getting the mortgage loan. In this day and age many mortgage borrowers will likely need a bad credit mortgage, which were completely unheard of when mum and dad, bought their first home. But borrowers these days find it more difficult to obtain a mortgage without using a mortgage brokers if there is bad credit score in the background.

Everything comes back into fashion at some point. A never-ending spiral of being in and out of fashion.

Many of the homes our parents owned now have become incredibly fashionable. The knock-on effect of this unfortunately means they are now specifically sought after, which in-turn means they are incredibly expensive to buy now. If your house has been stripped back of all its original features, putting them back (whether it’s using reclaimed or reproduced pieces) will increase the value of your home. It was easier to rip out and replace rather than make do and mend. To add real value to your home without it costing a fortune to do so means, you will be getting your hands dirty. You may be installing period doors, fireplaces, cornices, or period-style radiators. The more a house is true to its original form, the more attractive that will be to buyers and the more value it will add.

Check out reclamation yards and search for period charm rather than the convenience of buying brand new

Choosing things like fireplaces can literally transform a living space and become the centrepieces of a room. There is nothing cosier than sitting next to a roaring open fire. Even if all other period features have been lost, installing a fireplace is a great way to add a focal point that packs a punch. Chances are if you do your research, you may be able to come up with a genuine bargain that will look great in your new home and make it more desirable to others. You could also consider installing or replacing the ceiling cornice and ceiling roses, many of these architectural additions can add real class to your home, they are like to provide you with an elegant living space for you and your family to enjoy. If you’re wanting to make a room stand out, these are also great options to add-back.

Enhance period features in Halifax